Seloto neighborhood (The Village in English) is the administrative center of the village of Kalotina. It houses the town hall, the post office, the former school of Kalotina (now a home for the elderly) and the functioning Eastern Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, whose bell rings in the surrounding hills. As befits an administrative center, the village is the largest neighborhood of Kalotina.
Most of the passengers in transit through the village of Kalotina identify this neighborhood with the village, and since the international road actually passes, so to speak, in the middle of the neighborhood, and the other neighborhoods are
Chorapenova neighborhood borders The Western Outskirts. This is not exaggerated and it is true - the end yards and wells of the neighborhood divide the border between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Ser
Divina Mahala is located in the narrow space between the southern slope of the Dyado Gorcho ridge and the Nishava River. The neighborhood is inhabited and can be proud of its ancient history - here is the most famou
The Golochel neighborhood consists of several uninhabited houses, but compared to the other neighborhood closest to the Republic of Serbia, at least they have remained. From here, to the state border with our western neighbor, there are about 400-500 meters.